Noah Hume, PhD, PE
Senior Aquatic Ecologist | Stillwater Sciences
Dr. Noah Hume has over 25 years’ experience in aquatic sciences and engineering spanning ecology, water quality, water supply and treatment. Noah developed a range of study plans covering aquatic resources and served as a lead scientist on studies as part of relicensing of the Don Pedro Project, including ecological and modeling studies related to Project impacts on salmonid populations due to changes in flow regime, temperature, sediment supply and transport. Noah has overseen water quality monitoring and impact assessment for relicensing of projects throughout California and Oregon, including water temperature studies, in situ monitoring, and bacterial studies. In addition, he has also served as project manager in the design and implementation of levee repair and wetland restoration projects to benefit federally and state listed sensitive species along the Sacramento River, the northwest Delta, as well as in several coastal lagoons along the Central and Southern California Coast.
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